I am a lazy planner and I have to be there for my guys. I'm not always sure how to juggle everything. I have had a pile of ironing in our bedroom for an embarrassingly long amount of time. I hate ironing.
Anyway, as I've been thinking about my goal for my blog, I've remembered that I never started it to be a DIY blog. Sure, it's been so great to have that motivation for getting things done. But that's not the purpose. The purpose is to talk about my home. To share my journey to make our home a haven.
Honestly, on most days, my living room looks like this. I swim through piles of never-ending laundry...
That should be an Olympic sport. Or maybe I could start Mom-lympics. It would look like this:
- Speed-Ironing
- Toy Relays
- Laundry Swimming
- The Lego Toss{because that's what every mom wants to do after stepping on one!}
- Mental Gymnastics {"Am I doing everything right?!" "I'm a terrible mother!" That sort of thing.}
- Toddler Diaper Change Wrestling
Yup, I could win the gold in Toddler Diaper Changing.
Sometimes I just need to remind myself where my focus needs to be. And today, with my living room covered in laundry and toys, I am happy. This room tells me I have many blessings. This blog reminds me to share those blessings with others. Even if I am swimming in laundry.
Who's with me on Mom-lympics?!
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