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I'm not much of a voluntary sharer. I probably should have thought about that a little more before deciding to write and publish anything but here we are! And I'm so glad you are. I don't write this kind of post very often. I tend to have a hard time finding that happy medium between too little and too much info sharing so I'm hoping that I've managed to do that without completely embarrassing myself!
Some of you that have been here a while may have picked up on some of my quirks already but I know there are some new readers here too. Since you are here to read my words, I'd like you to get to know the person behind them!
To start with, I've been married to my wonderful, fellow introvert Hubby for 8 years and we have two boys that we are
currently homeschooling. I'm working my way toward a degree in Interior Design while also attempting to figure out my path as a writer and watching way too many superhero TV shows.
Here are 5 other things that you might not know about me.
1. I'm a highly sensitive introvert.
With a touch of social anxiety and a face that always looks grumpy. Not such a great combination for winning friends and influencing people. Writing works better for me. You can't see me unintentionally glaring at you behind this screen and I get time to think through my words without those weird stops when I glance out into space. Win-win for all of us!
I have my difficult moments in our extroverted culture but I do love being an introvert.
2. I have a weird fascination with birds.
I'm not sure that I like birds. I don't even want a bird(ok, except for chickens but that's only because they make me eggs and I need those to make cake). However, I do like to watch birds and identify them. Doing a "Big Year" sounds like a great way to spend some time. The movie,
The Big Year
, with Steve Martin, Jack Black, and Owen Wilson, is one of my favorites.
I am fully aware of my weirdness.
3. I'm a nerd.
And a Hufflepuff.
I'll read or watch pretty much anything, from sci-fi to fantasy to the classics. I was always the studious kid that (mostly) followed the rules and got good grades. Last week, I received an
A- on a paper for my art history class and then proceeded to grouse about it all day.
Hubby was not sympathetic.
And I kinda feel like I'm the odd mom that has no problem with the husband and kids playing video games. Probably because I'm playing them too. Ask me about my level 29 wood elf with super sneak and mad archery skills.
4. I broke a personality test.
I'm not talking about those random "What Disney Princess are You" quizzes. I'm talking about those free tests on supposedly reputable personality profiling sites. I took the test and, after calculating my answers, I was told that the algorithm couldn't figure me out. I get a different answer on every test I take and I've been typed as every introverted type at least once.
Based on my
obsession with research of the Myers-Briggs personality typing and after taking pretty much every single free test out there, I've come to the conclusion that the "I" is strong with this one and that every other letter is extremely balanced. Based on cognitive functions, I believe that I may have finally found a home in the ISFJ camp, although sometimes I relate to the INFJ type as well.
As far as the Enneagram goes, it confuses me but I think I'm a 6? Or maybe a 9? With some 4 thrown in somewhere? My best guess is that those three make up my tritype.
If that means anything to any of you, yay! If it doesn't, Feel free to ignore my crazy rambling. I hope you'll stick around here anyway!
5. I can't really pick a favorite book but if I had to...
I would have to pick The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy. Set during the French Revolution, it's just got that right mix of history, fiction, romance, action, suspense, and cleverness. I also highly recommend the movie version with Anthony Andrews, Ian McKellen, and Jane Seymour.
Two more book favorites are
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen and
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.
So that's five things about me!
Due to school and family, I don't get as much time to work on projects and write as I have in the past. However, the boys are getting bigger and sometimes they can play with each other without needing a referee so I grab those times when I can.
Thank you for being a reader. It means so much to me that you are here despite my inconsistent posts. My life is crazy just like yours so I'm glad we can journey this together and maybe make a pretty home along the way!