August Review {2014}

We made it through August! This makes me happy because it means that summer is almost over! I really don't like that heat, and I'm not a fan of being wet and swimming, so summer is sort of a pointless season for me. I just hang out in my air conditioned house hoping for a thunderstorm most of the time. The rest of the time I'm sitting outside watching Little Man play with the hose.

Eh, at least he's soaking wet and happy.

So what was going on in August? Me trying to organize the kids outgrown clothes while doing all the housework, while trying to work on decorating and organizing every room at once(yeah, it definitely looks like it sounds). But these posts somehow made it out of my head and onto the screen. Lucky them.

For your viewing pleasure...

Hope everyone has a great September! I know I'm looking forward to fall! I've already had my first(and second) Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season so fall is unofficially official right?

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