30 Days Accessory Free

30 days accessory free? Clearing out the clutter and letting my house breathe? Letting us breathe? Our house is overrun with clutter, and that is why I decided to take the challenge!

i'm in!

When the Nester brought up this challenge, I thought it was a great but just not for me. I didn't think I could do it. Especially as a new blogger. A new home blogger. What would I write about?

The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to do it though. I've been trying for weeks to de-clutter our house and get rid of stuff but I've gotten overwhelmed. I knew it was getting to Hubby too. When I asked him what he thought about the challenge, he was all for it!

A lot of our little decor items are things I've had since high school. In trying to save money, I just tried to do what I could with them and I couldn't bring myself to throw any away. I either get sentimentally attached to things or think that I need to hang on to them for "someday." Weird how that someday never comes but I still keep waiting for it.

I've been talking about doing a Great Purge lately and here is my chance. All my stuff cornered in one room so it can't escape. It's brilliant, really. 

I started in with gusto, grabbing all the things and stashing them in our one unused room upstairs and pulling out garbage bags to sort everything into.

That room now looks like an episode of Hoarders.

In my defense, Not all the stuff in there is ours. Hence the random Pikachu.

Our In-laws have been storing some of their stuff here{which they will be coming to get in a few weeks}, and the baby stuff is waiting for their stuff to be moved so it can take its place in the attic. Just thought I'd let you in on that tidbit before I showed you the full picture. I really don't need an intervention. I promise. Maybe.

I am royally embarrassed over this room.

On a better note, the rest of our house looks great! Hubby came home from work Friday to a completely clear office and I think that made his day. Little Man has been running around the rooms like he's been freed. We all are feeling so amazing about the direction our house is headed!

What I put away is anything that sits on a surface to look pretty, candles, tabletop picture frames, decorative pillows and blankets, and stacks of books that aren't neatly set on a bookshelf.

What I left is wall art, two plain pillows on the couch for comfortable relaxing, lamps, books we are actually reading, and objects that were decorative but served an organizational function, like holding toys, mail, pens, or cotton balls. 

I think this is definitely a great challenge for me and it couldn't have come at a better time. Now that everything is stashed away, the house truly feels like it's free. And it is amazing the difference it has made in our attitude and outlook. And while I don't think I'll leave the house completely naked after this month, I know already that I don't ever want to go back to the way it was. I will be choosier and more purposeful in my decorating.

I will be writing though out the month about the challenge and how it's going for us, along with my regular posts and projects. 

I'm truly excited about this month without accessories! 


  1. "free" is such a great way to describe it, thanks for joining in Elizabeth, I look forward to keeping up with your thoughts!!! xo

    1. Thank you for the challenge! I'm excited to see how everyone's month goes!

  2. Don't be embarrassed we have a a
    Similar stash of extra junk waiting for the attic, goodwill, etc. it's like you don't have the time to deal with in one fell swoop and you don't want little hands getting into it and dispersing it all over the house again.... So hoarders rooms for a bit.

    1. That is it exactly. Who has the time and energy to go through stuff when you have to keep up with a little boy? I'm glad I'm not the only one!

  3. The free rooms look so great! I just deaccessorized the living room and master bedroom. Feels great.

  4. Your place looks great...ahhhh...FREEDOM! Makes me want to sing, "Born Free...as free as the wind blows!" LOL---Happy Nekkid June!

    1. I like that: Happy Nedkkid June! It should be a thing...and we already have a theme song!

  5. 'it couldn't have come at a better time.' i am totally agreeing with you! this invitation was one i'd been waiting for ... i just didn't know it! i am loving my new kitchen filled with white space! enjoy your new home!


  6. The more I have clear, the more exciting it gets! It helps to have the thirty day thing - it may be temporary. Then again, it may not. Look forward to hearing how the process develops for you, too.

    1. It is exciting! Now if I could only get rid of the clutter of laundry piles...now that would be even more exciting!


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