After Christmas

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great Christmas season! I don't know about you but the week between Christmas and New Year's is always weird for me. Especially so when the Hubby takes time off from work so every day feels like a lazy Saturday. So here I am, drinking coffee with one kid napping, one kid and the Hubby off to Chick-fil-a for lunch, and me trying super hard to be productive. Despite the rain and the new book that's calling my name.

We decided to have a quiet Christmas this year with just our little family. It was wonderful, even if I did overcook the mashed potatoes into a gluey mess. We have many new toys to find places for and many old toys to quietly dispose of to make room for the new. The boys are really enjoying their new stuff though. One of the most fun things about them getting older is that we can get them things that fit their interests.

After Christmas

After Christmas

After Christmas

After Christmas

Behold the adorableness! 

Now we're in that after Christmas slump, trying to get back in the groove. After all the bustle of readying for Christmas, I just want to relax and read. It's hard to think about the new year and put down some goals when you really just want to take a long winter's nap.

I have found that when I get like this, what I really need is to set aside some alone time. An hour or so to forget about the things that have to be done and just do something I enjoy. I'd like to say that reading is good for that, but I fall into the "just one more chapter" issue and have a hard time coming back to normal, clear-headed functioning. My choice is usually Target and coffee but today I take what I can get. Today, I choose coffee and writing while the house is quiet.

After Christmas post with sled and cross-stitch

After Christmas coffee table with sticks in a vase, candles, and feathers.

Quiet and aloneness. It's my reset button. It makes me feel like me again. It makes me feel clean, content, and alive.

Your reset button might be different, especially if you aren't a super introvert like me(Super Introvert should totally be my superhero name, y'all). Chatting with a friend might make you feel human again while it drains me, no matter how much I enjoy it. Whatever your reset button is, I hope you can take a moment this week to reset and just enjoy being you.

P.S. If you want a closer look at my Christmas decorations or more posts related to Christmas, every one of them is here at this link.

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